Gunnar Magnús, Erlingur Árni og Sigurður Egill

laugardagur, september 16, 2006

Læknaviðtal - Doctor's Appointment

Last Tuesday we went to see Dr. Madsen for Gunnar's 6 months checkup. We were so fortunate to have a little helper with us, Hekla. She knew that her cousin was going to get shots and really wanted to be there to comfort him when he was done.

Hekla, Mom and GM on their way out to see the doctor.

Here is little Gunnar with Dr. Madsen. Gunnar was 7,8 kilos and 79 cm. He has usually been around the 60 percentile but has gone to about 40 percent. The doctor said it was just normal, that Gunnar Magnus was very proportional and gently mentioned that his parents weren't the tallest people in the world.

Then it was time for the shots... :(

When he was all done, Hekla was ready to comfort her tear-eyed cousin.

A nice hug did a very good and comforting job.


  • At 11:21 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    Læknirinn er líka sætur eins
    og "Ruglarinn" í Palo Alto!
    Gott að allt gekk vel.

  • At 8:21 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    Gunnar senior: it seems that Maria is doing a little more "doctor's visits" than necessary. I think this is the sixth time Gunnar Magnus has those shots.


  • At 8:22 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    And by the way, how tall and heavy is Dr. Madsen?


  • At 5:33 e.h., Blogger Grimanna í Ameríku said…

    Kemst Hekla ekki að hjá þessum lækni? Nei, bara af því að hann er ábyggilega svo góður....


  • At 6:39 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    spurning um að koma aftur þarna út og fæða börnin ... fá sér maka í UW ;)

    Kv. frá London


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