Gunnar Magnús, Erlingur Árni og Sigurður Egill

föstudagur, desember 08, 2006

Iceland - We're here

Now we have landed in Iceland. It was quite a trip, not to mention for the 10 month old. He did very well on the way. He was fussy at the beginning of the first flight but then he got used to the situation and handled everything very well. I can't recommend Alaska Airlines, they took some of our handluggage away from us and they were going to take all of it, but after some begging and crying, we could take one bag! I have never before experienced such rudeness in the States, it was so annoying. Nice of them to take handbags of people with a small child... When we came on to the Iceland Air plane, they were so considerate. We got an infants life west, infant belt to strap on to our seat belts and a meal for Gunnar Magnus. The flight attendants were also always coming by to see how we were doing. What a great airline.

When we landed in Keflavik, we had a nice crowd of people welcoming us. Grampa Erlingur, Grandma Addý, Grandma Hildur and Aunt Stína. Mmmm... It was so nice to see them! Then we loaded the cars and drove to Reykjavík and had a nice breakfast/late night snack at Selbraut where Gunnar's parents live and we will be staying at, until we have our apartment ready. There was hot chockolate, fresh breads, cakes and cookies. Yummy, yummy, yummy. Then it was time to rest a little and we slept until 5 PM. Now it is 2 PM the next day and I have been awake since noon, but the Gunnars are still sleeping. I am gonna wake them up soon, because we have to get our hours straight, because Gunni starts working next Friday :S

I was going to post some pictures, but it doesn't work out at the moment, so they will come later..


  • At 7:38 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    Það er óhætt að segja að maður sakni þín litli kútur, og ma&pa líka.

  • At 8:49 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    That's annoying to hear that your last experience in the states wasn't very good :( We'll never take Alaska air again :)

    Yumm - hot chocolate, cakes and cookies. Sounds pretty good.

    How is the weather in Reykjavik?

  • At 7:59 f.h., Blogger Orcun said…

    Go wake up daddy, his student days are over :P

  • At 10:27 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    LOL Orcun that one was good hehe!!

    Velkomin heim og ég hlakka til að sjá og heyra sögur af því þegar Gunnar Magnús fer að leika sér í snjónum í fyrsta sinn ... látið fara vel um ykkur í skammdeginu og ég óska heimiliföðurnum gæfu í nýju starfi.


  • At 12:24 f.h., Blogger Mæja said…

    Við söknum ykkar líka :(

    The weather in Iceland was good the first two days. A little bit cold, but still nice. Then we got a little bit of a storm last night and today hasn't been too great. Lots of wind.

    We are still working on getting our hours straight. Tonight, Gunnar Magnus fell asleep at eleven and hopefully he will sleep through the night.

  • At 10:28 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said…

    Velkomin heim, loksins loksins!
    Hlakka til að hitta ykkur Mæja mín. Sá þig seinast þegar GM var í mallanum þínum og þú (minnir mig) ekki einu sinni komin svo langt og núna er barnið barasta orðinn 10 mánaða! Þetta er ótrúlega fljótt að líða.
    Gangi ykkur vel að aðlagast bæði tímamismun og öðru og vonandi er Gunni sáttur við nýju vinnuna. (Það er nú líka kominn tími til að ég fái að kynnast honum ;o))
    Sjáumst vonandi sem allra fyrst!
    kv. HDW skólastelpa í prófum


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