Gunnar Magnús, Erlingur Árni og Sigurður Egill

miðvikudagur, nóvember 22, 2006

Gunnar Trump takes a bath

Í baði með Donald Trump greiðsluna sína.

Ég er annars búin að gera nokkrar tilraunir til að skera hár barnsins en án árangurs. Ég hef helst reynt að klippa bakvið eyrun og að aftan en Gunnar Magnús er alltof forvitinn, vill alltaf vita hvað ég er að brasa og snýr sér snögglega við. Ekki sérlega sniðugur leikur með beitt skæri.

I have tried several times to cut Gunnars hair but haven't succeeded yet. He is too curious to stay still when I approach him with the scissors and quickly turns his head. I think I might have to take him to a professional.

Á ullarnærbol - In his wool undershirt

I think he looks just like his father in this picture (above).

Check out the cute teeth :)

mánudagur, nóvember 13, 2006

Little man and his ride

Pretty proud of himself.

He can stay in this position forever, playing with the basic shaped blocks on the rail.

Tricky business - drinking from a glass.

Mom thinks she is in control of the situation.

...but no.... The little guy wants to help out.

So, this is team work.

sunnudagur, nóvember 05, 2006

Fun fun fun

New toys and teeth

You might find new teeth in Gunnar's upper gums if you look closely... Otherwise, Gunnar Magnús is doing great. He enjoys playing with new toys he just got; a bulldozer and a truck. He also got a wagon full of blocks, that he likes a lot. He can stand upright at the wagon and walk with it, but we don't take our hands of him yet...